These healthy little nuggets are amazing! Made up of only peanut butter, dates, and an egg (+ a dip in dark chocolate if you’re so inclined), they are definitely a treat you can feel good about.

I enjoyed these while watching Great British Bake-off with a cup of black, pumpkin-flavored coffee and it was the scrummiest delight 🙂

Peanut Butter-Date Cookies
Yield: about 14 cookies
- 1 cup natural peanut butter
- 1 cup dates (8 oz.)
- 1 egg
- Optional:
- Dark chocolate (I used this 88% bar)
- Flaked sea salt
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with a slipmat or parchment paper.
If your dates are hard from being in the fridge, soak them in hot water for 5-10 minutes before blending up. Otherwise, just toss them in a food processor.
In a food processor, blend together the peanut butter and dates until the dates are broken down. Then add the egg and whir until a ball of dough forms.
Divide dough into about 14 balls, roll them between your palms to make smooth, and then place spaced apart on the pan. These cookies don’t spread very much–all of mine fit on one pan. With a fork, press gently down on each ball to form a pattern and flatten it out. Then gently press down in the opposite direction to form a cross-hatch pattern.
Bake for 9-10 minutes or until set. Don’t overbake! These will be soft, but that’s what you what. They are delightful like that! Consume, OR wait and dip them in chocolate!
Optional: after the cookies have cooled, microwave the chocolate in a small cup until melted, then dip each cookie in halfway. Sprinkle with flaked sea salt and pop into the freezer to harden. Keep in the fridge if you have a warm house like me 🙂